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Compatibility Configuration

To make a module compatible with MageObsidian Components, follow these steps. The process is the same whether you are creating a new module or adding compatibility to an existing one.

If you are creating a new module, refer to the official Magento documentation for the standard setup process:
Creating a module in Magento

Once the module is prepared, include the compatibility configuration as described below.

Steps to Configure Compatibility

  1. Create the Compatibility File

    • File Name:


    • File Path:

      Save the file in the following location:

  2. Add the File Content

    • Copy and paste the following content into the file:
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <config xmlns:xsi=""

Final Steps

After configuring the compatibility file, you must run the following commands to integrate the theme into Magento and generate the necessary metadata:

  1. Load Module in Magento

    bin/magento setup:upgrade

  2. Generate metadata for MageObsidian Components

    bin/magento mage-obsidian:frontend:config --generate

Key Details

  • The compatibility file must be saved at:

  • The declaration xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation already points to the required schema:

  • The <features> node includes the <compatibility> tag, which must be set to true to indicate compatibility with MageObsidian Components.


This setup ensures that only modules explicitly declared as compatible can interact with the features and architecture of MageObsidian Components, resulting in a more organized and reliable development process.

Future Flexibility

This structure is designed to support future enhancements. By updating this XML file, it will be possible to activate or deactivate new features introduced in MageObsidian Components. This approach provides greater flexibility and control over module behavior, enabling seamless adoption of upcoming functionality.