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Tailwind Configuration

In MageObsidian Components, each module can define its own Tailwind CSS configuration under the tailwind key in the module configuration file (module.config.cjs). This configuration follows the structure and syntax of Tailwind CSS version 3.

For details on how to structure a Tailwind CSS configuration, refer to the official documentation:
Tailwind CSS Configuration

Example Configuration

A basic example of a module configuration file with Tailwind CSS options:

module.exports = {
    tailwind: {
        theme: {
            extend: {} // Extend default theme settings here
        plugins: [], // Add Tailwind CSS plugins if needed
        content: [
            '../templates/**/*.phtml' // Define the paths to your template files

How It Works

  1. Merging Configurations
    Tailwind CSS configurations defined in modules are merged during the build process:

    • Configurations from all modules are merged first, respecting the order defined by the sequence in module.xml.

      For more details on configuring module load order, refer to the official Magento documentation:
      Configuring Component Load Order.

    • Theme configurations are merged afterwards, taking precedence over all module configurations.

  2. Prioritization

    • Module configurations are processed based on their dependency order as defined in their module.xml.
    • Theme configurations always have the highest priority, allowing themes to override or extend Tailwind settings from modules.
  3. Ignoring Module Configurations

    • A theme can explicitly choose to ignore the Tailwind configuration of a specific module. When this is done, the module's configuration is excluded entirely from the merging process, giving themes full control over the final build.

Key Notes

  • The Tailwind configuration object should follow the syntax and structure defined in Tailwind CSS documentation.
  • The content array must include the paths to the templates where Tailwind classes are used. This is essential for Tailwind's purge functionality to work correctly.
  • The merging process ensures flexibility, allowing both modules and themes to contribute to the final Tailwind CSS build while maintaining a clear prioritization hierarchy.
  • A theme can exclude module configurations entirely, providing full control over the Tailwind setup.
  • For more information on module dependency order, see the official Magento documentation.


  • Modularity: Each module can define its own Tailwind CSS configuration independently.
  • Flexibility: Themes can take full control by overriding or ignoring module configurations.
  • Performance: The merging process ensures an optimized Tailwind CSS build that includes only the necessary styles.